
LV logo

In a windy winter day, forget about what the students had some kind of stimulus, between classes to do the elevator stood overlooking the like. Suddenly, my students around, "we find some sponsor it, at least 10,000 discount designer bags to do the kind of crude production bag LV logo printed above Designer Handbags , and then be distributed free of charge to home into City-workers. "Of course, the idea must come from my daily experience is gained above, as well as the kind of large-scale production of cheap Marni Handbags effect reverie. So, my mind is filled with carrying a LV logo printed on the kind of blue and red Bai Gezi's bag of people get on the train during Spring Festival. Of course, I did not implement such a bother to people who naturally can not force this matter forward until March 7, 2007 in a TV show in the spring to see LV new release, was the LV drives you nuts, because the gas could laugh or LV gas idea completely absorbed the resources louis vuitton bags it has.

This year, LV pattern of entirely new products that look like blue and red Bai Gezi (designer Marc Jacobs was inspired in the Hong Kong Tourism), you fuzzy if printed publicity materials inadvertently glance, some thought it was a Miniaturization of the bag. This kind of situation makes me a few months ago the sudden its like to become pale. I had wanted to use chemicals to break the absolute shoddy imitation of the blame on luxury goods, making the concept of intellectual property rights fail to produce a paradox, in order to obtain this powerful "civilized" some sort of laugh. Of course, I also have this line of thinking is most worthy of criticism, because it if you want to implement, it means that I also use a "simple" people completed the thought of the performance of elite culture. At the same time, now to think of it, if it promoted the "act", I do not know if the design department has been on the LV stimulation cheap Thomas Wylde Handbags , so that they might consider giving this series now introduced new products. These are fictitious natural part of the story.

I am thinking of the emission is naturally directed at the so-called "intellectual property" and "fashion" of the twin-engine driven "desire" production mechanism that controls people's consumption of energy, but also brought out the excess profits . My thinking is that the so-called natural system of protection of intellectual property rights are not now the object, for example, the East pattern, the most traditional production techniques and modeling and so on, these "resources" can be transformed into this system are strictly protected "design" , then can we find these to be protected LOGO unprotected space, it has become everyone can handle resources?

In the end, I was completely conquered by LV because it once again confirms the idea of this powerful system, it can be a variety of cultures, or even in conflict with their cultures into its internal resources, then put those all sales Here you are. That said, however words, but I really do not know the LV series of new design, a packet should be sold at 10,000 yuan in China, the fate of the series. As it back genuine imitations were even those who are on the back completed a psychological force stimulation, for its users, this kind of pattern and colorLouis Vuitton 96800 too or be left out of. [ Back ]

